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Read "Feel It All"

How are you adapting to the winter? I'm trying my best.

I'm going through a lot this winter. Here are some tips I've found helpful to cope with the seasonal changes.

Winter brings changes to everyone and everything. How are you adapting, shifting, and changing?

Last month, I decided to go through the egg freezing process to honor both the reality that I do not want to have kids any time soon (maybe ever), and the possibility that I might change my mind in the future. As I’ve been self-injecting medication twice daily and attending back-to-back ultrasound appointments, I’ve noticed a shift in the way I’m relating to my body.  

After so much conditioning that taught me that the needs and desires of my body are at odds with my goals, this month has been a time of alignment. Here we are—my body and I—a team, collaborating in service of my dreams. I feel a new kind of gentleness towards my mood swings, my exhaustion, my bloating belly.  

This process has brought forth new rituals—nightly baths, morning TV, daily stretching. I have my emotional security heating pad, water bottle, and blanket. In many ways, the process of considering parenthood has brought me back to a childlikeness—a tenderness I hope to carry forth when the month is done.

What new rituals have the colder months brought forth for you? Do you feel more permission to rest as the weather turns cooler? What would it be like to extend this permission to yourself year-round? Click here to download a fillable workbook called Queering Routine, an incredible tool for cultivating your personal rituals.